From HTML to Django : My Journey as a Web Developer
My personal experience in learning web development.
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Becoming a web developer is not an easy task. It requires time, dedication, and continuous learning to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. In this blog, I will share my journey of becoming a web developer and the struggles I faced while learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Why did you decide to make this transition?
I decided to make this transition because there were many opportunities available in the Python world that weren't available when I first learned how to code websites with HTML5 and CSS3.
Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
When I first started learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I was excited to develop websites and create beautiful designs. However, I soon realized that it was not as easy as I thought it would be. The process of perfecting these skills was difficult and required a lot of practice.
Despite my efforts, I still felt like I was not satisfied with my learnings. I developed some websites and gained some experience, but I knew I could do better.
The journey with ReactJS
I decided to take on a new challenge and learn ReactJS. The idea of creating dynamic and interactive websites excited me. However, as I started to practice ReactJS, I realized that it was much harder than I expected. It took me over a year to become proficient in front-end development using ReactJS. Even after gaining some experience in developing websites, I still felt like something was missing. I wanted to explore something new and exciting.
Moving onto the backend
After much contemplation, I realized that the missing piece of the puzzle could be backend development. I started to learn databases, Python, and Django. This was a completely new language and framework for me, and I found it challenging to grasp the concepts.
Despite the difficulties, I was determined to develop my first CRUD app. It took me many months to learn, but finally, I was able to create my first backend app. This experience helped me gain much-needed experience and provided me with a new perspective on web development.
What is Django?
Django is a web framework for Python. It's used to create dynamic websites and applications. This means that you can build your website using Django, and it will be able to handle all of the heavy lifting for you.
Django has some nice features that make it stand out from other frameworks:
It's free and open source (as in beer). You can download the source code from their website and modify it however you like! Or if you want someone else to do all of your work for free, there are lots of companies out there who will help build your site with Django for a price.
It's easy to learn because there aren't many rules or conventions--you just have to follow some basic guidelines when writing code in order not break anything else on the site while also making sure users enjoy their experience while visiting yours as well!
My Journey from HTML to Django
I had a lot to learn. I needed to know how to code in Python and Django, which is a framework for building web applications. I also had to get familiar with the concept of MVC (model-view-controller), which was new to me at the time.
I faced some challenges along the way too:
- Getting my head around Python syntax was difficult at first because it uses whitespace indentation instead of curly braces or brackets like most other programming languages do. It took me about two weeks before I felt comfortable enough with it that I could start writing code without looking back at my notes all the time!
The Benefits of Using Django
When you're building a website, there are many factors to consider. How much traffic will it get? Will it be able to handle that traffic? What if the site gets popular? These are all questions that can make or break your project.
Django is a framework for building websites in Python, which means that it's flexible and scalable enough for any size of project. It also comes with built-in tools for handling common tasks like authentication and database management so you don't have to worry about them yourself!
Tips for Transitioning from HTML to Django
If you're new to web development, or just want to get started with Django, there are a few things that will help make your transition easier. Here are some tips:
Learn the basics of Python and Django. If you already know JavaScript, then this shouldn't be too hard for you. If not, there are plenty of resources online that can teach you how Python works (like this one). Once you have a grasp on how it works, start looking into Django by reading through its documentation or watching videos like this one from Udemy (which also includes links to other resources).
Find good tutorials and documentation on using frameworks like Tastypie and South so that when we build our app later on in this series we'll know exactly where everything is located!
Common Pitfalls of Using Django
There are a few common pitfalls of using Django, and I want to talk about them here.
First and foremost, security is an issue with any web framework or library. You need to be careful when writing your code so that you don't accidentally introduce any security holes into the application. For example, if you're using Django's built-in authentication system (which we'll cover later), make sure that all user passwords are stored securely in the database rather than being stored as plaintext in some other location on disk or in memory! Also consider using one of many third-party libraries available for securing web applications like django-secure or django-allauth which provide additional features such as two factor authentication support and more robust password hashing algorithms than those provided by default by Django itself (this will help prevent attackers from cracking user passwords).
Secondly there can sometimes be performance issues when developing complex websites with large amounts of data due to how Python interpreters work internally; however this isn't necessarily specific only towards Django projects either because most languages suffer from similar limitations due largely because they were designed decades ago when hardware wasn't nearly as powerful as today's computers are capable off running at speeds upwards towards thousands upon thousands per second depending upon how much money someone wants spend building out their own custom machine specifically tailored towards solving whatever problem needs solving!
Freelancing as a web developer
The skills I learned in frontend and backend development led to various freelancing opportunities. I was able to use my knowledge to develop websites for clients and improve my skills. Instead of paying for courses, I utilized documentation, blogs, and YouTube tutorials. Through freelancing, I gained more experience and confidence in my abilities as a web developer. I was able to work on different projects and learn from my mistakes.
I hope you've enjoyed this walk through my journey as a web developer. I started with HTML, then moved on to CSS, JavaScript before finally settling on Python and Django. If you're interested in learning more about programming or just want to get started with Python yourself. Becoming a web developer is a never-ending journey. It requires continuous learning and improvement to stay relevant in the industry. The struggles I faced while learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as the challenges of mastering ReactJS and backend development, were all part of the journey. The key takeaway from my experience is that it's essential to take on new challenges and not be afraid of new experiences. It's through these challenges that we grow and become better versions of ourselves. I encourage others to take on new challenges and continue learning to become successful web developers.
If you're interested in learning more about HTML, I recommend reading the official documentation. For Django, there are many resources available online that can help you get started with the framework. Here are some of my favorites: